Note that these details are not automatically generated from your profile information, and are manually updated.
Details that can be changed are: ‘About’ Description, Contact Name, Address, Email, Phone, Website, Opening Hours, Category.
For Craft Trail members, please write your exact location as a link to the exact point on a google map. See below for details.
If wishing to change the main product photo used, for another one taken during the SAC Product Photography, then please describe the photo required and we will change it from the ones we have saved. To maintain a standard “look” of the photos and consistency of the website, only photos taken during these sessions can be used.
Google Map Location
Unfortunately Google Map’s address searches do not work very well in rural areas like Shetland where the postcode covers a large area, so to accurately display your address on the Craft Trail map we need an exact location. If you know how to do this, then we just need it in the format e.g. 60.304294, -1.256621.
If that’s a foreign language to you, then follow these instructions:
- Go to
- Move the map to your business address exactly, and click on the exact location (zoom in!)
- A pin will appear and the location will pop up with an address and a location like 60.304294, -1.256621.
- Now either copy this and paste it into the form above, or:
- Click on it, then click “share” and copy the web link into the form above. Something like: “”